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Battlefield in a Box Badlands Rocks or Alien Rocks?

Currently up to my crackers in Dettol (antiseptic solution) at work and the smell is bringing flashbacks of my childhood and grazed knee trauma.....

Ray: It stinks in here!
Lurker: Stop fecking whining....
Ray: It's on the kettle, the taps and the bleeding spoons you bollox...
Lurker: Shut up, it builds character.....
Ray: I'm going to the toilet...
Lurker: Make sure you wash your hands first, that stuff burns!

All will be explained in the next post if I can still see.....

Anyway I picked this box up for some sci-fi alien scenery rocks and took a scale picture with a 15mm GZG figure, nice stuff and already painted, there are other sets of larger rocks

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