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No Quarter at Devil's Fork

By Terrell L. Bowers
A Black Horse Western from Hale, July 2011

When a crazed outlaw named Chilly Lloyd instigates a heinous crime, it seals the fate of seven other men. Now two friends, Brett Jackson and Reggie Satterfield, put aside their journey to a peaceful life and set out to bring the killers to justice.

Stella Burdette has never had much luck but hope for better things when she agrees to run a chuck wagon for eight hunters, including Chilly Lloyd. Soon, though, she must run for her life. And then Brett and Reggie fall into a deadly trap and are doomed to discover there is No Quarter at Devil’s Fork.

This book is packed with incident, all told in an easy to read style that sees the author telling his story through the eyes of a number of different characters, such as those mentioned in the above blurb. The action is first rate and the dialogue crackles, there’s plenty of humour too, often combined with the tall-tales Satterfield delights in telling whenever possible.

A neat touch to me was that one of the hunters doesn’t have the same attitude as his companions, not falling in line with the others when they rape and kill, in fact he’s sicken by it all, but family blood forces him to stay with them and he has to make a difficult decision later in the book.

Also it’s great to see that the cover art actually depicts a scene from the book, a moment of brutality that makes for a powerful ending for one of the characters.

Terrell L. Bowers is fast becoming one of my favourite BHW writers and this book has left me eagerly looking forward to his next. In the meantime I’m going to be searching through storage for any others I may have.

No Quarter at Devil’s Fork is officially released this coming Friday (the 29th July), but is already available to buy from the usual Internet sources. 

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