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Review: Avon Little Dress Collection Fragrances

Hey Beauties!

Avon Little Black Dress perfume has become somewhat very popular and signature scent for a lot of perfume lovers. I also bought it once and found it a bit too grown up for my liking. Since then Avon came out with three variations of Little Dress. 

Little Black Dress had a very simplistic square bottom design and name tag. Avon has decided to revamp the visual design of it as well as bottle shape. I actually like newer version better, because the name is more visible and background color of perfume makes it easier to spot it out from the collection. 

They've also changed the caps. Some are black and some transparent. Avon embossed design has been added to the spritz top and it helps to promote the brand even further. 

The bottle also got a bit rounded in the front, but stayed flat at the back. I also don't mind the classic square bottle, because it's very easy to store and travel with. 

Each bottle comes with 50 ml of eau de parfum and regular price of these is 26€, but currently they are on offer for 17.90€ (here). 

Little Black Dress

It's described as floral oriental perfume with notes of cyclamen, ylang-ylang and plum

It starts as a very floral burst. It goes into a bit deeper floral scent, a more sophisticated and less fresh version. Plum is the last one and it makes it a bit sweeter and slightly deeper, but still very sophisticated version and not too oriental.

I would say that this is for all of those floral lovers. It's very fresh floral at the beginning and later becomes a bit sweeter oriental version. I still wouldn't call it a true woody oriental scent, but a sophisticated sweet floral version. I can see why so many love it, because I find floral perfumes as one of the most popular, especially among adults. I personally am not a big fan of this scent, since I am not a fan of floral fragrances in general. That is why I gave it to my mom (I got it ages ago). 

As you can see, I have the old bottle. New actually has black background with gold design and it looks very elegant and simple. 

Little Black Dress Eau Fraiche*

Avon describes it as oriental floral fresh perfume with notes of juicy lemon oil, pink peony and musk.

The very first thing that you notice when you spritz it is freshness of a lemon. Immediately after that burst of citrus, it starts to get very floral and peony overpowers lemon. Later the musk starts kicking in and it overpowers both, peony and lemon. I think the name can be a bit misleading, because it indicated something very fresh. It's definitely not fresh citrus perfume, but more of a floral oriental. Lemon vanishes quickly and flowers make it a bit more subtle, but the musk at the end makes it still kind of oriental and warm, but just a fresher and less intense version.

If you're someone like me who detests citrus and green perfumes, you'll love this one, because is just fresh enough and still has a warm sweet musky base. If you're one of those that thinks this is something citrusy, light and fresh for you, it's not and I wouldn't recommend you to get it purely based of the name of it. I would call this fresher floral oriental version for hotter days for those that swear on sweet oriental perfumes.

As a comparison, I find it similar to Pur Blanca by Avon, but Pur Blanca is a lot fresher, more creamy and doesn't have that strong oriental base. 

I love light green design to it and the black makes it look very sophisticated and fresh. 

Little Red Dress*

According to Avon this is oriental fruity perfume with notes of raspberry, rose and sandalwood

The first thing that you smell is a very sweet almost a bit artificial raspberry. Floral notes come in next and they are very subtle, making the scent a bit more elegant and less sweet. At the end comes sandalwood which makes the fragrance a lot deeper and sexier. This is definitely a sweet scent. It starts as sickly fruity sweet scent, then gets a bit more floral and sandalwood makes it woody, oriental and all in all becomes sophisticated not overpowering sweet version. 

This is for all of us who love fruity sweet fragrances with nice punch of oriental base. It's a classic among sweet lovers and I think this is definitely my favorite scent of this collection. 

Red and gold design wins me over. It's probably my favorite combination, since I love red lipsticks and gold everything. 

Little Lace Dress*

The last version is described as floral oriental perfume with notes of Sicilian mandarin, black iris and patchouli.

At the beginning this feels very green or grassy (I suppose this is patchouli). After that you can smell mandarin kicking in with the sweetness. At the end it becomes a lot deeper oriental scent with very subtle sweetness. This is definitely an interesting scent, because it starts of very kind of herbal and green, but quickly becomes sweeter and at the end very deep oriental scent. On me it's actually really sweet, but not sickly cheap sweet, still very sophisticated, but definitely the warmest of all of these scents.  

This one is for all you oriental lovers. I find it the most oriental scent from this collection and also the strongest in terms of power. It's definitely one of those night time or even wintery scents. This is my second favorite. I think I'm going to use it more in the fall time. 

Avon Little Lace Dress has by far the best design. I love lace and design on the back of it is super pretty paired with gold. It's definitely one of those bottles that you won't need to hide in drawers. 

As far as long lasting power goes, these are not as long lasting as some other Avon perfumes that I own. I find them a lot lighter in power and they stay on me for approximately 4 hours and then I would need to reapply it, because the scent fades. If that's a bother for you, then these are definitely not for you.  

I also got this really cute tester book with all four Little Dress perfume samples. Such a lovely packaged PR sample. 

The fact that I liked all three new versions, surprised me. In the beginning I was sure that Little Black Dress Eau Fraiche would be too fresh for my liking, but is actually a bit fresher floral oriental version of most of my sweet perfumes. Little Red Dress is an absolute winner and a sweet lovers must have scent. Little Lace Dress is deeper strong oriental scent, perfect for night time and colder months. Little Black Dress is the only version that I find too floral for my personal taste. 

*Products were sent to me. 

Avon Little Black Dress je postal precej popularen parfum za mnoge ljubitelje parfumov. Tudi sama sem ga kupila že dolgo časa nazaj, vendar se mi je zdel preveč odrasel vonj za moj okus. Od takrat je Avon izdal še tri različice majhne oblekice ali Little Dress,

Little Black Dress je imela zelo preprost dizajn s kvadratno stekleničko in napisom. Avon se je odločil, da malo osveži dizajn in tudi samo obliko stekleničke. Meni osebno je nova verzija všeč, ker je ime bolj vidno in barva ozadja nakazuje za kateri parfum gre. Tako jih je tudi ležje ločiti iz kolekcije parfumov.

Spremenili so tudi pokrove. Nekateri so črni, nekateri prozorni. Avon je vgraviral ime svoje znamke na vrh šprice. 

Tudi steklenička se jemalo spremenila. Naprej je malo zaobljena, odzadaj pa ravna. Sama nimam nič proti klasični kvadratni obliki stekleničke, ker jo z lahkoto shranjujem, prav tako pa je priročna za potovanja. 

V vsaki steklenički je 50 ml parfuma in redna cena teh je 26€, ampak trenutno jih lahko dobite za 17.90€ (tukaj). 

Little Black Dress

Opisan je kot cvetlično orientalski vonj z notami ciklame, ylang-ylanga in slive.

Začne se z zelo cvetličnim vonjem. Kasneje se ta cvetlični vonj prelevi v močnejši cvetlični vonj, bolj sofisticiran in malo manj svež. Sliva je zadnja nota, ki vonj naredi bolj sladkast in močnejši, ampak še vedno precej sofisticirano verzijo, ki ni preveč orientalska.

Meni se zdi ta vonj odličen za vse, ki obožujejo cvetlične parfume. Na začetku je precej svež cvetličen vonj, ki kasneje postane malo bolj sladka orientalska verzija. Vseeno ne bi trdila, da je to pravi orientalski vonj, ampak bolj sofisticirana verzija cvetličenega. Razumem zakaj je tako popularen in zakaj je večini všeč, ker se mi zdi, da so cvetlični vonji precej popularni, sploh med starejšo populacijo. Osebno nisem navdušenka tega vonja, ker tudi na sploh ne maram preveč cvetličnih vonjev. Zato sem ga podarila mami (imam ga že kar nekaj časa).

Kot lahko vidite imam jaz staro verzijo stekleničke. Nova ima črno ozadje in zlate detajle. Izgleda res elegantno in preprosto. 

Little Black Dress Eau Fraiche*

Avon opiše ta vonj kot orientalsko cvetličen z notami sočnega limoninega olja, rožnate potonike in mošusa.

Prvi val vonja je precej svež in limonast. Takoj po tej invaziji citrusov sledi cvetličen vonj potonike, ki nadvlada limono. Kasneje se začne čutiti mošus, ki nadvlada oba, limono in potoniko. Zdi se mi, da je lahko ime zavajajoče, saj boste pričakovali nekaj svežega. Ta vonj zagotovo ni svež, citrusen, ampak bolj cvetlično orientalski. Limona zelo hitro izgine. Nadomesti jo potonika, ki celoten parfum naredi bolj nežen. Mošus na koncu doda orientalski topel pridih, ki pa je še vedno precej svež in manj intenzivna verzija orientalskih parfumov.

Če kot jaz sovražite citrusne in sveže zelene vonje, potem vam bo ta zagotovo všeč. Je svež, vendar še vedno precej sladkast in orientalski zaradi mošusa kot podlage. Če pa ste nekdo, ki misli, da je to citrusen, lahek in svež vonj, potem vas bo razočaral in vam ga odsvetujem. Sama bi ta vonj poimenovala kot bolj svežo orientalsko verzijo za vroče dni za vse nas, ki prisegamo na sladke orientalske parfume. 

Malo me spominja na Avon Pur Blanca, ki pa je bolj svež, kremast in nima tako močne orientalske podlage. 

Zelo mi je všeč svetlo zelen dizajn v kombinaciji s črno. Izgleda tako sofisticirano in hkrati sveže.

Little Red Dress*

Glede na Avonov opis, gre za orientalsko saden vonj z notami maline, vrtnice in sandalovine. 

Prvi vonj, ki ga takoj prepoznate je malina. Ta je skoraj malo umetna in izredno sladka. Cvetlične note so naslednje in so precej nežne. Parfumu dodajajo elegantnost in omilijo sladkost. Na koncu se izredno čuti sandalovina, ki daje parfumu globino in ga naredi bolj seksi. To je zagotovo sladek vonj. Začne se izredno sadno sladko, potem postane malo bolj sofisticirana cvetlična varianta in na koncu sandalovina doda lesnost, orientalskost in na sploh postane sofisticiran sladkast vonj. 

Ta parfum je za vse nas ljubitelje sadno sladkih vonjev z dodatkom orientalske podlage. Jaz bi ga označila kot klasiko med ljubitelji sladkih vonjev in je zagotovo moj najljubši vonj izmed celotne kolekcije. 

Rdeč in zlat dizajn me je osvojil. Gre za verjetno mojo najljubšo kombinacijo. Obožujem rdeče šminke in vse kar je zlato. 

Little Lace Dress*

Zadnja verzija je opisana kot cvetlično orientalski parfum z notami sicilijske mandarine, črne perunike in pačulija.

Na začetku je ta vonj precej zelen, skoraj travnat (verjetno je to pačuli). Potem se začne čutiti mandarino in njeno sladkost. Na koncu postane zelo močan orientalski vonj z nežno sladkostjo. Ta kombinacija mi je izredno zanimiva, ker se začne skoraj zeliščno in zeleno, ampak hitro postane sladko in na koncu precej orientalsko. Na meni je zelo sladek vonj, ki pa ni tisti poceni sladkast vonj. Vsekakor sofisticirana verzija in zagotovo najbolj močan vonj izmed celotne kolekcije. 

Ta je za vse ljubitelje orientalskih parfumov. Čeprav pri vseh piše orientalski, je ta zagotov najbolj orientalski izmed celotne kolekcije. Prav tako pa tudi najbolj močan. Je en izmed vonjev za večere ali celo mrzle mesece. Ta je moj drugi najljubši vonj. Se mi zdi, da ga bom več uporabljala v jesenskem času. 

Avon Little Lace Dress ima zagotovo najlepši dizajn. Obožujem čipko in v kombinaciji z zlato izgleda odlično. Steklenička, ki je ne boste skrivali po predalih. 

Dobila sem tudi knjigo z vzorci vseh štirih Little Dress parfumov. Čudovit PR izdelek.

Bila sem kar presenečena, da so mi bile všeč vse nove tri verzije parfumov. Na začetku sem bila namreč prepričana, da mi Little Black Dress Eau Fraiche ne bo všeč, ker bo preveč svež. Na moje presenečenje, je to samo bolj sveža cvetlično orientalska verzija mojih izredno sladkih parfumov. Little Red Dress je moj absolutni zmagovalec za vse, ki obožujejo sladke vonje. Če ste med njimi tudi vi, je to vsekakor parfum za vas. Little Lace Dress je močnejša orientalska verzija, popolna za večere in hladne mesece. Little Black Dress je edina verzija, ki je zame osebno preveč cvetlična. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani. 

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